Wednesday, March 30, 2005

April events in PA

Friday, April 1: Anti-death penalty vigil in Erie
12pm, Second & State Streets, Rendell's Erie office

Tuesday, April 5: Ray Krone at Allegheny College, Meadville
Wednesday, April 6: Ray Krone at Clarion University
7pm, Hart Chapel
Ray Krone is a York County native who spent 10 years in an Arizona prison, including three on death row, for a murder he did not commit. DNA evidence cleared him in 2002, and he has been speaking publicly against the death penalty since his release
More information?

Monday, April 11: "After Innocence" in Harrisburg
Whitaker Center for Science & the Arts, 222 Market Street
5pm: Cocktail reception, featuring Ray Krone and Vincent Moto, PA's first inmate cleared by DNA evidence
6:15pm: film screening at the Select Medical IMAX Theatre
"After Innocence" is a documentary that follows the post-prison lives of six inmates released as a result of DNA evidence. One of the six is Nicholas Yarris of Philadelphia, who spent a stunning 21 years on PA's death row for a crime he did not commit. For more information on the film, visit
RSVPs required:
Thursday, April 14 & Saturday, April 16: "After Innocence" in Philadelphia
Philadelphia Film Festival
International House, 3707 Chestnut Street
More information? Visit

Thursday, April 21: Anti-death penalty vigil in Harrisburg
12pm, 3rd and Walnut Streets, Harrisburg


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